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NC Trail Days kids neighborhood

Great learning experience for pre-K to 6th grade children.

Parents are encouraged as Spectators!


Saturday, June 3

10:00AM - 4:00PM​

Life Store Parking Lot, Main Street, Downtown, Elkin


Families- join us at the Kids Neighborhood for a bunch of kid and family-friendly activities related to trails, including a downtown Elkin scavenger hunt and hands-on crafting. The tent is brought to you by the students and educators at Appalachian State University Academy at Elkin and RootEd NC. Students will also be leading guided hikes of a learning trail they are building with the Elkin Valley Trails Association. The learning trail connects their school to downtown Elkin, the Elkin Public Library, and the MST.


Activities Include:


The Leave No Trace Trashquatch

Help us leave no trace by picking up any trash you find while at NC Trail Days! Bring it to our “Trashquatch” to help us teach others how to leave no trace.


DIY Directional Tree

Make your own directional tree sign to show how far away some of your favorite places are.


Blaze Your Trail Contest

Design your own Trail Blaze sign; winners will be announced at 3:30 pm on Saturday and will win 



Pick up a copy of our Geocaching coordinates and try to find all of the geocaches we’ve hidden around town. If you find all of them, you’ll win _____.


Scavenger Hunt

Pick up a copy of the Town of Elkin Scavenger Hunt. 


Erosion Activity

Check out our erosion lab and learn about how you can help fix erosion problems.


Report the Weather

Head to our Weather Reporting photo booth to share your forecast for the trails!


Geology Station

Test out the various rocks and minerals found around Elkin in our Geology Lab.


Pollinator Station

Make native pollinator seed bombs to take home and plant.

Free Event

Consider becoming a

festival sponsor! 


Please contact our festival director to learn more at:


Festival Hosts
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